I Know i haven't been here in a Long while, but here's the big day!
Well this is how July 3rd Ended with a July 4th Baby :)I was at home, Stephen Sr. was at work. I was awoken by my annoying bladder and proceeded to the washroom as normal. I then went on the computer and did my daily stuff and routine things like i normally do. Then Stephen Sr. came home and we decided that i was going to be a picky eater (this was around 3:30ish (pm)) We decided lets order in. We looked through all of our fliers and decided Pizza was the best way to go. Also, i had to get a caesar salad and garlic bread with cheese! lolAnyways... Stephen Sr. called and ordered the food and we sat down and continued our daily lives. As i sat there on the couch playing on my lap top checking facebook as usual. I felt this wierd (Very wierd) feeling in my bladder ish area. I stood up and went to the washroom (like i didn't have to pee already anyway) When i sat down i realized that, that wierd feeling was my water breaking. I poked my head out the door and yelled to Stephen Sr. that my water just broke. His immediate response was "are you kidding me?" lol He then picked the phone back up and called the pizza place back and cancelled our order... (Did i mention i was a pregnant hungry woman)... That part sucked big time. I called my mom and she was Really excited (figured) and said she had a couple of things to do as long as i was able to wait (and i was, since i wasn't in actual labor yet) so i told her to take her time. This was around 4:00pmish. So Stephen Sr. and I paced around the apartment wondering what we were doing. My mom finally called to say she was outside. When we got outside to meet her with all my stuff for the hospital, she got out and gave me a HUGE hug! :)We got in the car and were off to McMaster. We arrived roughly around 5:30-6:00ish, and were told to go to curtain 1. As we went in to wait a long 30 minutes, i was then told to strip waist down so they could check to make sure my water had broken... Ha ha ha... Like i didn't know it had... ever since we had left the hospital it was obvious... Well to me anyway! lolWell to be short they blah blah blah... but said i wasn't in active labour yet but that for sure it shouldn't be long. At that point i was 4cm dilated (a whole one more then the past two weeks) and was told to go for a walk but be back in an hour or so. of coarse this is where i asked if i could get food! lol... They said the magic word... i was off to find food... We took the ANNOYING elevator down to the food floor (2) and grabbed a bite to eat. At this point the pains were getting worse but i could still manage them. We then went outside so i could have a smoke. We went back up so i could be actually admitted. Elevator SUCKS!!!! They banded me, showed me my room and did a quick check to see if i had dialted any more... blah blah blah... Nope... still 4cm... They said i could jump in the tub now, and i was able to jump into my Nice Large Warm Tub!!! I think it was about 8:30ish by this time. (I didn't want to keep looking at clocks all night so i reminded everyone not to tell me the time) When i got into the tub my contractions were manageable... after roughly two or so hours in the tub, when i decided to get out they were starting to become a little uncomfortable and alot stronger... We had the choice of staying in the room or go for another walk, but only for 15 minutes (This would be around 9:30ish) as of now they wanted to check the baby's heart rate every 15 minutes... We started on our walk... ELEVATORS at Mac SUCK!!! We went out what happens to be my last smoke! i Don't think i even lasted the full 15 minutes downstairs... we went back up... Again Elevaters at Mac SUCK!!! We got back to the room where i paced and just had to keep moving... By the time i had actually laid down i was apparently in active labour and at this point i was to decide weather or not i wanted meds or not...I had said Not at this point and proceeded to have my back rubbed by both my mom and the nurse, while Stephen Sr. rubbed my forehead with a nice Cool cloth. Labour sucks! lol and it hurts! lolAround i think 11:00pm is when i said screw it and went for the epidual... I don't know what time they finally arrived in the room to finally give it to me, but in my opinion it was WAY to LONG!!! I think around 12:00ish (July 4th) it was in... mind you the second one worked... the first one they put in the wrong place and did a test injection... After he realized it wasn't in the right spot they did it again (Did i mention i HATE Needles) Well when they did the second epidual, they ended up putting that one in a little too far, and didn't realize till after i had lost all feeling in my toes. i also had legs of rubber... i had ABSOLUTELY no feeling in them, and it was kinda funny... I know i was trying to move my toes and cross them and stuff... but the blanket covering them wasn't moving at all... I know i feel asleep and when i had awoken i asked how long i had been out for... they said 10 minutes and that they had to check me... (well blah blah blah i was finally 10cm) This was around 12:30amish This is where the fun began... The only part i'll say it that it hurt like no words could ever explain... well that's after the epi. wore off! The only down fall was the fact the the babies heart beat wasn't stead and it was fluctuating too much... (my mom just told me this sat) they placed a little monitor on the top of his head (while he was still inside) and then i proceeded to push... and at exactly 1:48am I had a new BABY BOY!!!! I also had a bouncing placenta... tee hee hee ha ha ha... that sucker was almost as hard to deliver... lolNow the downside to having that first epi. that didn't work, was that i was now on 24hour bed rest. So i wasn't able to get up to shower or pee or anything... I did however receive a nice sponge bath and was able to watch at a distance on what they were doing with Stephen Jr. (btw he isn't going by Jr.) Stephen Jeffery Jason TimmonsBorn July 4th 1:48am7lbs 7ounces20" or 51cmBlue eyes (dark)and White/blond hair
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Heya all! sorry haven't been up keeping my blog, but kinda been really busy :)
i'm 33 weeks now (7 months and a week) and 144lbs :) WOOT (that's 29lbs from start)
i have a rapid kicker and one that seems to enjoy doing flips, and enjoys letting me know 5 minutes after going to the washroom that i didn't quite empty my bladder the first time...
I have been to Mac to register and that is now complete... Mac is so much more loungy compared to st. Joes, and looks so much more welcoming too :)
I'm stuck in a ward unless wards are all full when i get there... So if everyone could have their baby the same day as me, that would be great, fill up them ward rooms so i can have a better one :) lol
The sucky part is we found out Steve has to leave at night (8:00pm) and can't return until 11:00am the next morning... this we find rediculous and NOT FAIR... but nothing we can really do, unless you do as i ask and everyone has their baby on my day :)
Anyways... all of my doctors appointments have gone really well... I'm proper weight and size, and the heart beat is perfect... i have no high blood pressure or any problems... this all leading to what looks like a healthy delivery so far :)
I never said easy.... but healthy :)
i still haven't had any ultra-sounds since the last one, so i can't share those photos with you... but if you want to see lots of growing pics you can visit my facebook :)
Other then that... i will try when i have time to keep informing everyone... and if there are any questions or comments feel free to ask away... i will reply :)
i'm 33 weeks now (7 months and a week) and 144lbs :) WOOT (that's 29lbs from start)
i have a rapid kicker and one that seems to enjoy doing flips, and enjoys letting me know 5 minutes after going to the washroom that i didn't quite empty my bladder the first time...
I have been to Mac to register and that is now complete... Mac is so much more loungy compared to st. Joes, and looks so much more welcoming too :)
I'm stuck in a ward unless wards are all full when i get there... So if everyone could have their baby the same day as me, that would be great, fill up them ward rooms so i can have a better one :) lol
The sucky part is we found out Steve has to leave at night (8:00pm) and can't return until 11:00am the next morning... this we find rediculous and NOT FAIR... but nothing we can really do, unless you do as i ask and everyone has their baby on my day :)
Anyways... all of my doctors appointments have gone really well... I'm proper weight and size, and the heart beat is perfect... i have no high blood pressure or any problems... this all leading to what looks like a healthy delivery so far :)
I never said easy.... but healthy :)
i still haven't had any ultra-sounds since the last one, so i can't share those photos with you... but if you want to see lots of growing pics you can visit my facebook :)
Other then that... i will try when i have time to keep informing everyone... and if there are any questions or comments feel free to ask away... i will reply :)
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Well 6 months Fianlly! lol (j/k) it's so exciting!
had my regular check up and i now weigh 133lbs when i'm there but in fact only 131lbs
that's a total of 21lbs from begining... That's amazing
This is Great so far...
Just hopefully the boobs stay the way they are now and DON'T grow anymore... i may die then... lol
Well size wise i am apperently 23 so only 1 off which is apperently good to hear... and once again the heart beat of the baby was 140 bps This is also Great news...
Well anyways ttyal VERY soon!
Crystal Symes
had my regular check up and i now weigh 133lbs when i'm there but in fact only 131lbs
that's a total of 21lbs from begining... That's amazing
This is Great so far...
Just hopefully the boobs stay the way they are now and DON'T grow anymore... i may die then... lol
Well size wise i am apperently 23 so only 1 off which is apperently good to hear... and once again the heart beat of the baby was 140 bps This is also Great news...
Well anyways ttyal VERY soon!
Crystal Symes
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sorry i haven't posted in a while but i haven't had any doctors appointments and we just moved, Which we had no internet for a bit... :(
Now it's back and running so i figured i'd do a quick update.
Our baby is a strong little Bugger who loves to kick when i'm not expecting it at all! But hey it's also a great feeling.
I have the greatest news (for me) I now Weight 129lbs... :) WOOT!!!
I have NEVER in my entire life (before pregnancy) been 122lbs...
and Now i'm above that and still growing...
When i get the chance i will post a pic of my chubo belly! :)
It's Great!
I have my next doc appointment this friday so i will re-post then but for now i will leave it at what it is...
If anyone has any comments or Questions feel free to ask! lol
Crystal Symes
Now it's back and running so i figured i'd do a quick update.
Our baby is a strong little Bugger who loves to kick when i'm not expecting it at all! But hey it's also a great feeling.
I have the greatest news (for me) I now Weight 129lbs... :) WOOT!!!
I have NEVER in my entire life (before pregnancy) been 122lbs...
and Now i'm above that and still growing...
When i get the chance i will post a pic of my chubo belly! :)
It's Great!
I have my next doc appointment this friday so i will re-post then but for now i will leave it at what it is...
If anyone has any comments or Questions feel free to ask! lol
Crystal Symes
Sunday, February 11, 2007
2nd Ultrasound
This Ultra-sound was done at Mac and was great... my mom and Pete got to come in due to my other mom Brenda was working and my mother-in-law was out for the day.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Well that time has come when I've felt the baby move around without holding my belly!
WOW is all i have to say. I would have posted as soon as it happened but it was last night and i was in bed!
He/She has a Nasty kick or punch i must say...
Also all of my dreams are leading to a girl. twice now i have dreamt it was a girl. But yet when i talk about the baby i always refer to it (not on purpose) as a boy.
Well if it is a Girl maybe that's why the kicks are so harsh... lol
Either way it's a great moment and nothing makes me happier!
Well anyways. I will post on Saturday because that's my next Ultra-Sound!
Talk To You Then
Crystal Symes
WOW is all i have to say. I would have posted as soon as it happened but it was last night and i was in bed!
He/She has a Nasty kick or punch i must say...
Also all of my dreams are leading to a girl. twice now i have dreamt it was a girl. But yet when i talk about the baby i always refer to it (not on purpose) as a boy.
Well if it is a Girl maybe that's why the kicks are so harsh... lol
Either way it's a great moment and nothing makes me happier!
Well anyways. I will post on Saturday because that's my next Ultra-Sound!
Talk To You Then
Crystal Symes
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Ultra Sound!!!

I had this done on the 30th but just got the chance to place it here now. I was 17 months and 6 days. I even asked the tech how far i was and asked if i was 17 weeks almost 18 and she said yes but tomorrow is your 18th. So Now I Know My Due Date WONT Change Again.
And No one told me this appointment would take 30 or so minutes... I had a full bladder and apperently am carrying an acrobat!!! lol
He/She Didn't want to stay still for more then 2 seconds so the one picture is blurryer then the other... but if you look close you can actually see the ear on the second on!!! :)
And onother thing... Can Anyone tell me why Dr. Carm would book another ultra sound?
One of the first things Dr. Carm said to me was that she didn't want to double book me for anything... Now she has! i have another Ultra sound on the 10th of Feb. and it's for another 30 mins... I explained how i already had an ultra sound booked but they insist that i go to this on too... I just don't get it... They also said to drink 6 to 8 glasses for water... (again) HA!!!
i barely have to drink 3 and i need to go!!! and anyone whose has an ultra sound knows that after the second... water tastes like crap!!! lol
Well anyways... My experience there was great though cause i got to see trhe baby again on screen and watch the baby move! :)
I had brought steve with me and he got to watch the whole thing. He said it was watching a great movie but the thing that was missing was the popcorn!!!
I Need a bathroom and she's bushing on my bladder (never mind him/her pushing on it) and he's complaining for Popcorn!!! lol What a guy! :)
So now that that is done and i await my next Ultra Sound I will post at the next Ultra sound date because all in that week i have my other 2 doctors appointments as well... So i will update you 3 times that week
Alos i have gained another 2lbs!!!
Crystal Symes
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The New Doc!
Well this new doctor of mine is really not all that bad! She's calm and nice, (Great combo).
She's straight forward and gets to the point of what needs and should happen. She's booking my ultrasound appointment instead of Sophie, and getting my needle appointment for me as well. (RH Negative ) :( Stupid blood!!
This doc i'll call Carm. only cause her first name is long to type and last name is hard to spell and pernounce. Carm will me the doc that will deliver little Stevie or Samantha and then i will go back to my regular Sophie doctor then! :)
That's an excitment i could never explain! My Sophie doc is great!
Anyways, i was in this doctors office for 45 minutes, yet i was seen Right away! lol
I handed in the paper work from Sophie and then was told i had to go pee! Well the bathroom was in use (so i thought) and that took sometime... Then a woman walked into the bathroom which told me it was free. and then i was called t the front to be seen my the nurse to go over the history of myself and family. That seems to be the rutine... Answers of No for pretty much everything and then she told me to jump on the table and she would grab the heart thingy and check my blood pressure. So i Jumped on the table "Quickly" and started to lie down, She giggled and said well we'll do the blood pressure first. (tee hee hee)
All was normal with that. and then she did my favorite part and again Everything was normal and the heat beat was strong.
After all that was done she told me that i should go to the washroom now and she explained what i had to do. I did what was necessary and then went back to the room, where i met Dr. Carm.
Like i said she is nice.
Considering I'm not one for new doctors or new people! She's gets a check mark from me!
She went through a few things the nurse didn't do and then that was the end... i asked her if i should book another doctors appointment and she said Nope that we'll call you with one!!!
Well then!!!
OH YEAH!!! My Due date has been Changed!!!!!!
It started at June 27th (michelle B-day)
Then it went to June 22nd (No ones b-day)(but the day before mine)
and NOW it's July 4th
so everyone change their callenders yet again lol
So i was at 18 weeks... and Now i'm back to 16 till tomorrow that is!!! Back to 17!!
So till my ultra-sound appointment where i will try and post the picture... I will talk later!
Tu Tee Lu
Crystal Symes
She's straight forward and gets to the point of what needs and should happen. She's booking my ultrasound appointment instead of Sophie, and getting my needle appointment for me as well. (RH Negative ) :( Stupid blood!!
This doc i'll call Carm. only cause her first name is long to type and last name is hard to spell and pernounce. Carm will me the doc that will deliver little Stevie or Samantha and then i will go back to my regular Sophie doctor then! :)
That's an excitment i could never explain! My Sophie doc is great!
Anyways, i was in this doctors office for 45 minutes, yet i was seen Right away! lol
I handed in the paper work from Sophie and then was told i had to go pee! Well the bathroom was in use (so i thought) and that took sometime... Then a woman walked into the bathroom which told me it was free. and then i was called t the front to be seen my the nurse to go over the history of myself and family. That seems to be the rutine... Answers of No for pretty much everything and then she told me to jump on the table and she would grab the heart thingy and check my blood pressure. So i Jumped on the table "Quickly" and started to lie down, She giggled and said well we'll do the blood pressure first. (tee hee hee)
All was normal with that. and then she did my favorite part and again Everything was normal and the heat beat was strong.
After all that was done she told me that i should go to the washroom now and she explained what i had to do. I did what was necessary and then went back to the room, where i met Dr. Carm.
Like i said she is nice.
Considering I'm not one for new doctors or new people! She's gets a check mark from me!
She went through a few things the nurse didn't do and then that was the end... i asked her if i should book another doctors appointment and she said Nope that we'll call you with one!!!
Well then!!!
OH YEAH!!! My Due date has been Changed!!!!!!
It started at June 27th (michelle B-day)
Then it went to June 22nd (No ones b-day)(but the day before mine)
and NOW it's July 4th
so everyone change their callenders yet again lol
So i was at 18 weeks... and Now i'm back to 16 till tomorrow that is!!! Back to 17!!
So till my ultra-sound appointment where i will try and post the picture... I will talk later!
Tu Tee Lu
Crystal Symes
Saturday, January 20, 2007
My Sophie Appointment With A Pricless Face!
Yesturday I had yet another doctor's appointment but this one was different...
Stevie got to hear the heart beat for the first time, and the look on his face was pricless!
The doctor said that everything was Great and moving nicely with the pregnancy, the only downside and VERY slight worry she has is that i haven't really gained any weight yet. The thing is, is i have my doctors appointments after work so my weight is going to fluctuate more because i've eaten all day and worked my shift, or went walking. She said it should be fine, what's my weight at home.
When I started weighing myself at home i was 115lbs and Now i'm 118lbs... For someone whose NEVER been able to gain weight, this is amazing and Wonderful news to me!
So she said sh'ed just keep an eye on that for sure.
Also i have my first RH Negative needle booked for April 22nd, But at the wrong clinic... She booked me in at The Burlington hospital instead of the blood clinic in Ancaster (one bus away)
She said she could fix it so it would convenience me and Stevie.
The other Fun thing that's getting booked as of very soon is my Next ultrasound!! :) :) :) :) :)
There will be a pic of that as soon as i get it!
Other then that i had my blood pressure taken and all that annoying stuff and everything is Great!
This is a great time in my life and I'm glad I have Stevie and ALL of my family and friends to share and enjoy it with!
Crystal Symes
Stevie got to hear the heart beat for the first time, and the look on his face was pricless!
The doctor said that everything was Great and moving nicely with the pregnancy, the only downside and VERY slight worry she has is that i haven't really gained any weight yet. The thing is, is i have my doctors appointments after work so my weight is going to fluctuate more because i've eaten all day and worked my shift, or went walking. She said it should be fine, what's my weight at home.
When I started weighing myself at home i was 115lbs and Now i'm 118lbs... For someone whose NEVER been able to gain weight, this is amazing and Wonderful news to me!
So she said sh'ed just keep an eye on that for sure.
Also i have my first RH Negative needle booked for April 22nd, But at the wrong clinic... She booked me in at The Burlington hospital instead of the blood clinic in Ancaster (one bus away)
She said she could fix it so it would convenience me and Stevie.
The other Fun thing that's getting booked as of very soon is my Next ultrasound!! :) :) :) :) :)
There will be a pic of that as soon as i get it!
Other then that i had my blood pressure taken and all that annoying stuff and everything is Great!
This is a great time in my life and I'm glad I have Stevie and ALL of my family and friends to share and enjoy it with!
Crystal Symes
Friday, January 12, 2007
Doctors, Doctors, Doctors!!!
Well Being pregnant seems to be a popular with the doctors. I have 3 right now... all that want to check me out. I had One doctor the other day, and it hurt like hell! :(
The doctor said it was normal. So hopefully this isn't going to be an on going thing cause the other 2 doctors want the same thing as the last one. And why can't they all share the same information? they all look for the same thing and check the same thing, they should all talk once and a while.
And Men Suck... lol... well Men doctors!!!
I get to meet my new doctor on the 22nd and see what she'll be like. she's supposed to be the one who delivers Our Baby!!
And keeping up on my weight lately is going VERY slow. cause when i'm at home i can weigh first thing in the morning and it turns out to be 117lbs instead of 122lbs... THAT SUCKS!!!
I want to gain the weight!!!
But i guess Time will Help!!
Well i keep you updated after my next annoying appointment!!! Untless IT's a great one. Then i'll gloat and Tell Everyone!!!
Crystal Symes
The doctor said it was normal. So hopefully this isn't going to be an on going thing cause the other 2 doctors want the same thing as the last one. And why can't they all share the same information? they all look for the same thing and check the same thing, they should all talk once and a while.
And Men Suck... lol... well Men doctors!!!
I get to meet my new doctor on the 22nd and see what she'll be like. she's supposed to be the one who delivers Our Baby!!
And keeping up on my weight lately is going VERY slow. cause when i'm at home i can weigh first thing in the morning and it turns out to be 117lbs instead of 122lbs... THAT SUCKS!!!
I want to gain the weight!!!
But i guess Time will Help!!
Well i keep you updated after my next annoying appointment!!! Untless IT's a great one. Then i'll gloat and Tell Everyone!!!
Crystal Symes
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